Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It turns out that my vegas hotel doesn't have wireless internet for freem I would have to pay a freaking price of 12 dollars to post a daym fml right? I guess nothing is free in this stupid world. I'm posting this through a blackberry and it makes me wanna pooop. Anyway ill be back posting august 1 and be ready for update galore. I miss you all and love you guys. By the way everyone here in vegas is cool. But not as cool as you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay bye
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Here's the cool update for the day. Imogen Heap (you might know her as that one lady who sings Hide and Seek) is releasing her third solo album in August entitled Ellipse. This is her first single from the CD called CANVAS. The video, to me, is epic and the song is great too. It makes me wish I was on an escapade through the mountains of snow in order to find my long lost soul-mate while fending off vampires that want to eat all my lollipops. Yup.
Today was third installment of my tour in California. The entire day was spent in San Diego, which is beautiful by the way. Before we touch that subject, did my outfit look like something Kanye West would wear?

Because I totally wasn't going for that look...
Anyway, back to San Diego. If any of you actually know me, you'd know my family is GIGANTIC. Just made of insane proportions. I mean, think about it... I'm Asian. It's like a prerequisite that I have at LEAST 43 different first cousins... and that's only first cousins. Today was spent meeting up with my great uncles, aunts, first cousins, some other person I don't know how I'm related too, and some other people I'm related to. We hung out and went to my second cousins house. She takes care of Autistic children. It was freaking awesome seeing how people lived in San Diego. It's an entire new world here compared to Iowa.
My second cousin, the one who cares for those autistic kids, also has two children of her own. Here's the pictures I took while we were playing together. Oh, and by the way, these kids were absolutely insane. The amount of energy these kids had was comparable to drinking 23 Surge cans while digesting every Starbucks drink with espresso. These kids were probably pooping energy.
This is A.J... He's seven. The oldest of my second cousin's kids. I took this picture while he was telling me about how he has 3 different girlfriends, which he managed to slip in while telling me a story about how his best friend got hit in the "nuts" by a baseball.

This is Adrian, the youngest. He's one. He also has a soft spot for Dora The Explorer and Buzz Lightyear. He's cute.

This a picture of the two kids setting up "house bowling". We never got to bowl because Adrien kept knocking the "pins" down.

These next two charming lads are two autistic kids they care for. The first is Albert, he's a pretty bright kid who can either be completely out of control and scream random things (and run away from home) or just shut off the autism and be completely quiet and normal. The next kid is CJ. He's mute and never talks I guess. I tried to get him to say hi to me. I don't think he liked me much, but he did wave. He has trouble doing anything unless you order him to. For example, when he poops and finishes, you have to tell him to pull his pants up and leave the bathroom, or he'll just sit there for hours. Pretty sweet.

I'm sick of uploading the other pictures... so here's a bunch of Adrien. HE'S SO KEWT. OMGOMG.

Welp, that was most of the day. Not too exciting but I'm fine with it. After that we went to another mall where I picked up two pairs of skinny Levi's jeans and a shirt from H&M. I've spent $200.00 in the last two days. FML>>>...

Another thing; there's a lot of cute and beautiful girls here. None of them are white though! Gosh this world is so different from Iowa. I hardly see any white girls. All the girls here are good looking though. Alas! Not as good looking as my girls in Iowa though. Especially you. Hold me to that. I'm not even kidding!
Seriously, you guys are the cutest,
Today was third installment of my tour in California. The entire day was spent in San Diego, which is beautiful by the way. Before we touch that subject, did my outfit look like something Kanye West would wear?

Because I totally wasn't going for that look...
Anyway, back to San Diego. If any of you actually know me, you'd know my family is GIGANTIC. Just made of insane proportions. I mean, think about it... I'm Asian. It's like a prerequisite that I have at LEAST 43 different first cousins... and that's only first cousins. Today was spent meeting up with my great uncles, aunts, first cousins, some other person I don't know how I'm related too, and some other people I'm related to. We hung out and went to my second cousins house. She takes care of Autistic children. It was freaking awesome seeing how people lived in San Diego. It's an entire new world here compared to Iowa.
My second cousin, the one who cares for those autistic kids, also has two children of her own. Here's the pictures I took while we were playing together. Oh, and by the way, these kids were absolutely insane. The amount of energy these kids had was comparable to drinking 23 Surge cans while digesting every Starbucks drink with espresso. These kids were probably pooping energy.
This is A.J... He's seven. The oldest of my second cousin's kids. I took this picture while he was telling me about how he has 3 different girlfriends, which he managed to slip in while telling me a story about how his best friend got hit in the "nuts" by a baseball.

This is Adrian, the youngest. He's one. He also has a soft spot for Dora The Explorer and Buzz Lightyear. He's cute.

This a picture of the two kids setting up "house bowling". We never got to bowl because Adrien kept knocking the "pins" down.

These next two charming lads are two autistic kids they care for. The first is Albert, he's a pretty bright kid who can either be completely out of control and scream random things (and run away from home) or just shut off the autism and be completely quiet and normal. The next kid is CJ. He's mute and never talks I guess. I tried to get him to say hi to me. I don't think he liked me much, but he did wave. He has trouble doing anything unless you order him to. For example, when he poops and finishes, you have to tell him to pull his pants up and leave the bathroom, or he'll just sit there for hours. Pretty sweet.

I'm sick of uploading the other pictures... so here's a bunch of Adrien. HE'S SO KEWT. OMGOMG.

Welp, that was most of the day. Not too exciting but I'm fine with it. After that we went to another mall where I picked up two pairs of skinny Levi's jeans and a shirt from H&M. I've spent $200.00 in the last two days. FML>>>...

Another thing; there's a lot of cute and beautiful girls here. None of them are white though! Gosh this world is so different from Iowa. I hardly see any white girls. All the girls here are good looking though. Alas! Not as good looking as my girls in Iowa though. Especially you. Hold me to that. I'm not even kidding!
Seriously, you guys are the cutest,
Monday, July 27, 2009
To start things off, here's the new Jay Z song featuring Rihanna and Kanye West. Kanye rips this track in half, his verse is by far better than Jay's. Ridiculous! I'm pumped for this album along with Cudi's and Hudson's. It's called RUN THIS CITY. LISTEN TO IT!
I think the biggest thing that you'll realize when you venture into a bigger and more foreign world is how different the people are. I mean, this is a BIG idea. When you walk around Pella, Iowa or even Iowa in general you see a lot of the same; farmers, regulars, buff frat kids, nerds, fatties, skinny, and emos. In California, everyone is so cool. Every single ethnicity is represented while culture walls are broken down. Emo kids are hanging out with preps and they dress 452 times cooler than we WISH we could dress. Skateboarders are holding hands with la-coo-coo-racha girls sporting the new Juicy Couture line. I love this place. I love trends and fashion. I love acceptance of everyone. I love different worlds. Sometime, if it's possible, I want to put my soul in their shoes and see what they think of Pella, Iowa. Wow. Crazy idea. Rotten idea of the night= girls with fake boobs! Don't get me wrong, I love all parts of a woman, but fake? COME ON BABY! Love what our designer gave you!
Today was spent in the Palm Springs area

Since it was Sunday, it wasn't very hopping, which was disappointing. I can see why all the Cali peeps love partying here. Every other shop was a bar equipped with a sick sound system, live band or disco ball. Disco ball...PARTY!
Palm Springs also featured the two of the world's largest things... first, the world's largest wind farm!

In my last year of debate, the subject was about alternative energy sources. It was incredibly weird knowing I used to talk about this farm everyday for three months... then realizing I was staring right at it, two years later. TIME-WARP. This place is sweet, the film Seven filmed there! Fact of the week right there.
The area also had the world's "largest" outlet mall. Pretty cool stuff. Most of our friends would have gone gaga there. Shops included: Nike outlet, Puma outlet, Gucci, Prada, Juicy Couture, Polo Ralph Lauren, regular Ralph Lauren, 20 Starbucks,Lacoste, Armani, Gap, Zumies, Movado shop, and whatever else kind of thing you like. I spent a lot of money there. Like too much money there. I almost got everyone a Coach bag, but the line was too long and you're not worth that time. KIDDING! I wish I was crazy rich so I could wear what I wanted. I'd look so good.

I did get a new watch though, the collection is growing...

Anyway, while I was hanging out with the kids in the 20 minute wait Starbucks line, I realized that I suck at getting what I want (I mean I get whatever I don't want, but everything else...dang!). Like really bad. But right now, I just wish all of you were here with me now. Someday friends, when we rule the world, this can be one of our many playgrounds! Ch CH chCH cheCk it outTtT!

Love you and wish you loved me back,
I think the biggest thing that you'll realize when you venture into a bigger and more foreign world is how different the people are. I mean, this is a BIG idea. When you walk around Pella, Iowa or even Iowa in general you see a lot of the same; farmers, regulars, buff frat kids, nerds, fatties, skinny, and emos. In California, everyone is so cool. Every single ethnicity is represented while culture walls are broken down. Emo kids are hanging out with preps and they dress 452 times cooler than we WISH we could dress. Skateboarders are holding hands with la-coo-coo-racha girls sporting the new Juicy Couture line. I love this place. I love trends and fashion. I love acceptance of everyone. I love different worlds. Sometime, if it's possible, I want to put my soul in their shoes and see what they think of Pella, Iowa. Wow. Crazy idea. Rotten idea of the night= girls with fake boobs! Don't get me wrong, I love all parts of a woman, but fake? COME ON BABY! Love what our designer gave you!
Today was spent in the Palm Springs area

Since it was Sunday, it wasn't very hopping, which was disappointing. I can see why all the Cali peeps love partying here. Every other shop was a bar equipped with a sick sound system, live band or disco ball. Disco ball...PARTY!
Palm Springs also featured the two of the world's largest things... first, the world's largest wind farm!

In my last year of debate, the subject was about alternative energy sources. It was incredibly weird knowing I used to talk about this farm everyday for three months... then realizing I was staring right at it, two years later. TIME-WARP. This place is sweet, the film Seven filmed there! Fact of the week right there.
The area also had the world's "largest" outlet mall. Pretty cool stuff. Most of our friends would have gone gaga there. Shops included: Nike outlet, Puma outlet, Gucci, Prada, Juicy Couture, Polo Ralph Lauren, regular Ralph Lauren, 20 Starbucks,Lacoste, Armani, Gap, Zumies, Movado shop, and whatever else kind of thing you like. I spent a lot of money there. Like too much money there. I almost got everyone a Coach bag, but the line was too long and you're not worth that time. KIDDING! I wish I was crazy rich so I could wear what I wanted. I'd look so good.

I did get a new watch though, the collection is growing...

Anyway, while I was hanging out with the kids in the 20 minute wait Starbucks line, I realized that I suck at getting what I want (I mean I get whatever I don't want, but everything else...dang!). Like really bad. But right now, I just wish all of you were here with me now. Someday friends, when we rule the world, this can be one of our many playgrounds! Ch CH chCH cheCk it outTtT!

Love you and wish you loved me back,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
WEST COAST TOUR NIGHT 1: Current agenda
1. Pool- complete. It was cold. This is supposed to be California.
2. Lift- complete. When did I start looking ripped? Weird.
3. Return to the room- complete. Saw the kid staying in the room next door. He has a faux-hawk. Lol.
4. Shower- complete. The free conditioner stinks.
5. Take sleeping pills- complete. Yup.
6. Watch Veronica Mars- incomplete.
7. Try to fall asleep while on sleeping pills- probably going to stay incomplete.
We're going to Palm Springs tomorrow, wish me luck.
Wish you guys were here,
2. Lift- complete. When did I start looking ripped? Weird.
3. Return to the room- complete. Saw the kid staying in the room next door. He has a faux-hawk. Lol.
4. Shower- complete. The free conditioner stinks.
5. Take sleeping pills- complete. Yup.
6. Watch Veronica Mars- incomplete.
7. Try to fall asleep while on sleeping pills- probably going to stay incomplete.
We're going to Palm Springs tomorrow, wish me luck.
Wish you guys were here,
WEST COAST TOUR DAY 1: Greetings, live from somewhere.
Here's the introduction on how posts will work for the next week.
I'll be posting about my west coast tour around the Las Vegas, Nevada and Palm Springs, California areas with pictures and stories, and this will hopefully give you an idea of what I get to witness, feel, or see on this vacation.
Here's my computing station I'm using. It's located in Moreno Valley, California (CAALLLLIIIIFOOORNNIIAAA, HERE WEEEEEE COOOMMMEEEE).

I feel so grown-up utilizing the hotel desk like it's my office. It's a dream come true, really.
First and foremost, shout out to my awesome friend Clayton Boeyink. Previously, I was sweating the fact that my iPod (Snickerdoodle, was her name) past away right before the trip. I was quite petrified thinking about traveling to the coast without means of music, all hope was lost. Luckily for me, I have amazing friends who lend helping hands. Clayton's iPod is beautiful, full of music that I wished I had. Mixtures between beautiful music, to Boys II Men, to pop punk, to childhood emo favorites, to hip hop, and back around again. Thanks Clayton, I wish you knew how much that meant to me man! The only downfall to this, I've been wanting to constantly listen to JoJo's Leave (get out) song. In fact, every time I do not listen to the song, I start sweating profusely and nervousness creeps in my bones harshly. Signs of withdrawal. Not good.
So far the trip has consisted of traveling. Lots of it. Here's the count
1. 3 hour drive to Kansas City Intl' Airport. A.K.A crappiest airport ever.
2. 3 hour flight to Phoenix, Arizona. I hate flying.
3. 45 Minute flight to Las Vegas, Nevada. I really hate flying.
4. 6 hour drive to CAAAALLLIIIIIFORNIA. (home of Lo from Laguna Beach, I like her)
We've been traveling with this rental SUV. The SUV screams "call me, so I can make it juicy for you".

Here's the skyline covered by desert hills. Beautiful, I wish I could take you here with me :)

Well, I'm off to go to the pool and see if anyone there wants to chat about life. I'll see you guys on the flip side. If I could have one wish right now, I'd wish all of you over here so we can party. MISS YOU.
p.s. Have you ever seen this sign in real life? I know you've seen it on T.V. or pictures, but this is my third time driving by it, in real life, in my entire life. Comment me and tell me if you've ever been to Vegas. If not, then I pinky promise to take you here sometime. Especially YOU.... you know who you are.

Leave! Get out! Right Now!
I'll be posting about my west coast tour around the Las Vegas, Nevada and Palm Springs, California areas with pictures and stories, and this will hopefully give you an idea of what I get to witness, feel, or see on this vacation.
Here's my computing station I'm using. It's located in Moreno Valley, California (CAALLLLIIIIFOOORNNIIAAA, HERE WEEEEEE COOOMMMEEEE).

I feel so grown-up utilizing the hotel desk like it's my office. It's a dream come true, really.
First and foremost, shout out to my awesome friend Clayton Boeyink. Previously, I was sweating the fact that my iPod (Snickerdoodle, was her name) past away right before the trip. I was quite petrified thinking about traveling to the coast without means of music, all hope was lost. Luckily for me, I have amazing friends who lend helping hands. Clayton's iPod is beautiful, full of music that I wished I had. Mixtures between beautiful music, to Boys II Men, to pop punk, to childhood emo favorites, to hip hop, and back around again. Thanks Clayton, I wish you knew how much that meant to me man! The only downfall to this, I've been wanting to constantly listen to JoJo's Leave (get out) song. In fact, every time I do not listen to the song, I start sweating profusely and nervousness creeps in my bones harshly. Signs of withdrawal. Not good.
So far the trip has consisted of traveling. Lots of it. Here's the count
1. 3 hour drive to Kansas City Intl' Airport. A.K.A crappiest airport ever.
2. 3 hour flight to Phoenix, Arizona. I hate flying.
3. 45 Minute flight to Las Vegas, Nevada. I really hate flying.
4. 6 hour drive to CAAAALLLIIIIIFORNIA. (home of Lo from Laguna Beach, I like her)
We've been traveling with this rental SUV. The SUV screams "call me, so I can make it juicy for you".

Here's the skyline covered by desert hills. Beautiful, I wish I could take you here with me :)

Well, I'm off to go to the pool and see if anyone there wants to chat about life. I'll see you guys on the flip side. If I could have one wish right now, I'd wish all of you over here so we can party. MISS YOU.
p.s. Have you ever seen this sign in real life? I know you've seen it on T.V. or pictures, but this is my third time driving by it, in real life, in my entire life. Comment me and tell me if you've ever been to Vegas. If not, then I pinky promise to take you here sometime. Especially YOU.... you know who you are.

Leave! Get out! Right Now!
Friday, July 24, 2009
This next week will be dedicated to journalism about my adventure to Palm Springs, California and Las Vegas, Nevada.
I have no ipod
I have no books
I have only a cell phone camera
and it's just me and my family.
Get ready for crap stories, and maybe an occasional funny picture.
Who knows? Maybe it'll be fun. NO FREAKING IPOD? SHIT.
I have no ipod
I have no books
I have only a cell phone camera
and it's just me and my family.
Get ready for crap stories, and maybe an occasional funny picture.
Who knows? Maybe it'll be fun. NO FREAKING IPOD? SHIT.
Speaking Truth: Even though...
And even though she doesn't believe in love, he's determined to call her bluff.
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling my gut,
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling my gut,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I've been lacking lately
There is this unsettling idea that's been blooming on me for awhile. I haven't been busy with anything lately, but I've lost a lot of ambition that was dedicated to participation on summer activities I promised allegiance to (for example, this blog). Really, I just wish my transfer confirmation to Hogwarts would just come in already because I don't know how much more I can take of these feelings. Just imagine, I could throw away all of this boredom, regret, unknowing, and wasted time just to hang out with Hermione and hit on Luna Lovegood (just for giggles) all the time.
Summer is almost over, and this makes me scared/sad. I've never been a fan of growing up, and Iowa State always makes me feel like a grownup. I was never one for going out and acting like a douche frat kid. I was never one for letting all my emotions go for stupid reasons. I was never one for taking off my shirt every time I made a cup in beer pong. Nope, going to college didn't make me do these things. Going to college gave me responsibility, stress and boredom. Now, don't get me wrong, I dig the crap out of college... I guess you can just say I miss summer already. If I have to explain why I LOVE wearing shorts everyday, hanging out with my best friends until 2 in the morning, going to concerts, enjoying the pool, or randomly falling for people, then I question your idea on what makes the world a better place. Summer always makes everyone happy. I dare you to disagree.
There is no reason for this post. None at all, I just knew I needed to keep writing for the sake of writing. I'm losing ambition again...and fast. Someone please come save me.
boredom only happens in boring people,
Summer is almost over, and this makes me scared/sad. I've never been a fan of growing up, and Iowa State always makes me feel like a grownup. I was never one for going out and acting like a douche frat kid. I was never one for letting all my emotions go for stupid reasons. I was never one for taking off my shirt every time I made a cup in beer pong. Nope, going to college didn't make me do these things. Going to college gave me responsibility, stress and boredom. Now, don't get me wrong, I dig the crap out of college... I guess you can just say I miss summer already. If I have to explain why I LOVE wearing shorts everyday, hanging out with my best friends until 2 in the morning, going to concerts, enjoying the pool, or randomly falling for people, then I question your idea on what makes the world a better place. Summer always makes everyone happy. I dare you to disagree.
There is no reason for this post. None at all, I just knew I needed to keep writing for the sake of writing. I'm losing ambition again...and fast. Someone please come save me.
boredom only happens in boring people,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Speaking Truth: Desperation
The world looks a lot different from desperate eyes. Playing pretend with yourself shines through your shell and your wall. Like dust on a gravel road, you're lost, distant, and dissolving. Talk all you want, move all you want, and change what you don't like. When push comes to shove, the lost sometimes forgets how they got there. They hide. They fight it. They use too much head and not enough heart. Yeah...
The world looks a lot different through desperate eyes.
The world looks a lot different through desperate eyes.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mike Posner and The Brain Trust
I've been bumping the Mike Posner and The Brain Trust for a couple of months now, since the day it was released. I guess I just forgot to post the link to it on here, and after a message from Pat Piff, I remembered I needed to share this gem with you. It features some of the freshest vocals from 21 year old Mike Posner, who is bound to get huge soon. The sound surfaces somewhere along the lines of pop and hip hop and features some dope guests such as Big Sean (g.o.o.d. records) and Wale. Watch out because this mixtape is hott as crap. I promise you, it's nothing you've heard in a long while.
download link:
Friday, July 17, 2009
I'll be the one opening up the pit in the middle of the room... see you there. Here are the links to copeland and sherwood. These bands will make you wish you were 15 years old again and without a care in the world. Or in Love. Or exactly the same as you are now, but just a little bit happier.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Harry Potter and Treevenge
Saw the midnight showing. Left the midnight showing. Had a pretty fun time. Sold out two theaters. Budged in line.
The new Harry Potter was a good film, crappy to the books, had great cinematography, not enough action or Voldemort, but whatever. I dont care.
Watch this short film.... it's winning a crap ton of awards
The new Harry Potter was a good film, crappy to the books, had great cinematography, not enough action or Voldemort, but whatever. I dont care.
Watch this short film.... it's winning a crap ton of awards
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Way too many updates to fill you in on.
Sorry that I've been so busy lately. I was going to blame it on me spending too much time on my girlfriend but then I remembered I made her up. So in turn, does that mean I've been spending too much time with myself? Wait, that's not true, if that were true I would have been spending more time with myself and not my girlfriend, whom which I've been spending all my time with. You confused yet? Long story short...
I have a girlfriend. Not. Okay.
UPDATE CITY>>> There are so many updates to let you in on. I'll just post some in words, and others in pictures.
They are filming new:
Mortal Kombat film
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films
What do you guys think of that?
One of the most glorified and top rated films of all time is called Let The Right One In, which is a Swedish film about a 12 year old vampire. It came out two years ago and it is surely amazing. Brilliant. Of course USA has to remake it and it's due out Fall 2010. The remake has been named Let Me In and is directed by Cloverfield's Matt Reeves. I dont know if you guys knew this but big American movies send out concept posters internationally in order to market a movie that has potential to catch on to international awards. Here is one of the Let Me In concept posters. This movie will probably be good since the original is so amazing.

I'm re-watching the Verionca Mars Season 1 DVDs. Dont make fun of me. This stuff is intense. I like baking cookies, making a Jacks frozen pizza and viewing this WB gem.
Here's the view from VIP that I got to expeirance in Des Moines on Saturday. Gotta get that BOOM BOOM ROOM...

More tomorrow,
p.s. why do i suck so bad? oh yeah, that makes sense.
I have a girlfriend. Not. Okay.
UPDATE CITY>>> There are so many updates to let you in on. I'll just post some in words, and others in pictures.
They are filming new:
Mortal Kombat film
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films
What do you guys think of that?
One of the most glorified and top rated films of all time is called Let The Right One In, which is a Swedish film about a 12 year old vampire. It came out two years ago and it is surely amazing. Brilliant. Of course USA has to remake it and it's due out Fall 2010. The remake has been named Let Me In and is directed by Cloverfield's Matt Reeves. I dont know if you guys knew this but big American movies send out concept posters internationally in order to market a movie that has potential to catch on to international awards. Here is one of the Let Me In concept posters. This movie will probably be good since the original is so amazing.

I'm re-watching the Verionca Mars Season 1 DVDs. Dont make fun of me. This stuff is intense. I like baking cookies, making a Jacks frozen pizza and viewing this WB gem.
Here's the view from VIP that I got to expeirance in Des Moines on Saturday. Gotta get that BOOM BOOM ROOM...

More tomorrow,
p.s. why do i suck so bad? oh yeah, that makes sense.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wait, they dont love you like i love you.
I start bands on a daily basis.
I have a hip hop group.
I have a group that sounds like The Fray.
I have a group that plays like The Starting Line.
I have a group that sounds like Four Year Strong.
The Four Year Strong one is the only band with music recorded. If you get bored check my band out, I play guitar.
it kind of sucks.
If you knew me well, you'd know that my ONLY purple shirt I own is a shoddy Rocket Summer T-Shirt, that actually is a girl shirt that I pull off very nicely. I'm a huge Rocket Summer fan and the band lies in the top two bands I've seen live. Here is The Rocket Summer covering the Yeah Yeah Yeah's Maps. Its got a pretty good spin on it.
I have a hip hop group.
I have a group that sounds like The Fray.
I have a group that plays like The Starting Line.
I have a group that sounds like Four Year Strong.
The Four Year Strong one is the only band with music recorded. If you get bored check my band out, I play guitar.
it kind of sucks.
If you knew me well, you'd know that my ONLY purple shirt I own is a shoddy Rocket Summer T-Shirt, that actually is a girl shirt that I pull off very nicely. I'm a huge Rocket Summer fan and the band lies in the top two bands I've seen live. Here is The Rocket Summer covering the Yeah Yeah Yeah's Maps. Its got a pretty good spin on it.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The only thing cuter than this...

was Emma Watson on the Tonight Show

third place went to this good looking sprinter! WAIT.. IS THAT ME?! Oh the glory of high school track. Those were the days I tell you. I was skinny back then. Now I'm just fat.... but like.... a sexy and huge muscle fat. If you don't believe me then, cool.

was Emma Watson on the Tonight Show

third place went to this good looking sprinter! WAIT.. IS THAT ME?! Oh the glory of high school track. Those were the days I tell you. I was skinny back then. Now I'm just fat.... but like.... a sexy and huge muscle fat. If you don't believe me then, cool.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
illinoize mixtape
I like to sleep with my window open, it brings in a new sense of fresh air into my room making it a sexy environment for the ladies.
Sexy environment is a must have element in any room you reside in. If you don't believe me then you're not sexy. I win.
So, as I was saying, I like leaving my window open when I go to bed. But what's horridly horrible is when the brush of wind hits and my half closed door starts making creaking noises. Oh goodness, is it scary. Scary is not sexy.
Now, I know that it's just the wind moving my door around and I'm really just a wuss, but once I get scared... I get paranoid. For instance... after I shut the door and locked it, I caught my reflection in the window and yelped a little bit. I thought it was a really good looking ghost in my room looking at me before I realized it was just my sexy self looking at myself. IRONY.
PROPS TO THE ALWAYS CUTE AND ALWAYS AWESOME BAILEY SARVER FOR SHARING THIS MIXTAPE WITH ME. Producer Tor did a mash of some of my favorite hip hop artists and Stufjan Stevens and made this INCREDIBLE album called Illinoize. You WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED with this gem. Download link posted at the bottom!

Sexy environment is a must have element in any room you reside in. If you don't believe me then you're not sexy. I win.
So, as I was saying, I like leaving my window open when I go to bed. But what's horridly horrible is when the brush of wind hits and my half closed door starts making creaking noises. Oh goodness, is it scary. Scary is not sexy.
Now, I know that it's just the wind moving my door around and I'm really just a wuss, but once I get scared... I get paranoid. For instance... after I shut the door and locked it, I caught my reflection in the window and yelped a little bit. I thought it was a really good looking ghost in my room looking at me before I realized it was just my sexy self looking at myself. IRONY.
PROPS TO THE ALWAYS CUTE AND ALWAYS AWESOME BAILEY SARVER FOR SHARING THIS MIXTAPE WITH ME. Producer Tor did a mash of some of my favorite hip hop artists and Stufjan Stevens and made this INCREDIBLE album called Illinoize. You WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED with this gem. Download link posted at the bottom!

Losing time
Summer is about half over.
Have you made the most of it?
Sometimes the prettiest parts of our world can be captured through a cell phone camera. See what you can find...

Have you made the most of it?
Sometimes the prettiest parts of our world can be captured through a cell phone camera. See what you can find...

Monday, July 6, 2009
flashback: TRAIN's Drops of Jupiter
I imagine being at the outdoor pool at eight years old staring at the water from the diving board. To my left, a ripped Behning sits on his lifeguard chair staring at his own abs not giving two hoots about what I do. I'm eight. Dillon Fontana is watching me, he's nine. He was always a better swimmer than me... he's like a fish. Fish stink.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
This shit has been stirring up debates all over mixtape blogs and hip hop forums. Personally, I don't see the problem with most of the tracks and I'll admit that I'll probably bump this for awhile. Most skeptics are saying TK (Terry Kennedy) is whack as the leader of this Fly Society mixtape entitled "Fly With Us or Lie Beneath Us". If you didn't know TK is a professional skater for Supra and Pharrell's team Ice Cream and a beloved character in the video game, Skate 2. Even if TK is whack... I'm going to go ahead and say the other members rip on this track without a doubt and Curren$y kills anytime he raps. People were skeptic on whether Curren$y was even on this mixtape.... he is. So give it a shot.
here's the link:
here's the link:

Friday, July 3, 2009
the -isms
I worked today at the row and missed an epic game of pick-up soccer. FML.
This post is about a game. If you can come up with any words that end in -ANDREW you get a prize and spot on this blog for publishing your own posts. Pretty cool huh?
skip school, start fights, download music from the original napster program, and stay true to your girlfriend.
This post is about a game. If you can come up with any words that end in -ANDREW you get a prize and spot on this blog for publishing your own posts. Pretty cool huh?
skip school, start fights, download music from the original napster program, and stay true to your girlfriend.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

DOES ANYONE ELSE REMEMBER HOW FREAKING AWESOME TYLER MASON WAS WHEN HE LIVED IN PELLA? I do. I know what you're thinking "isnt that the kid who stole Doby the house elf from the library and Mrs. Ballenger beat him to a pulp with her belt and proceeded to high five Mrs. Wogan with great fury?"
The answer is yes. But Tyler is also famous for saving the Mason City Baseball Program. See you in the majors kid.
Here's the link to the Mason City Globe Gazette paper that featured his story.

DOES ANYONE ELSE REMEMBER HOW FREAKING AWESOME TYLER MASON WAS WHEN HE LIVED IN PELLA? I do. I know what you're thinking "isnt that the kid who stole Doby the house elf from the library and Mrs. Ballenger beat him to a pulp with her belt and proceeded to high five Mrs. Wogan with great fury?"
The answer is yes. But Tyler is also famous for saving the Mason City Baseball Program. See you in the majors kid.
Here's the link to the Mason City Globe Gazette paper that featured his story.
These will be the funniest movies of the year. i promise.
Kristen Bell and Jason Bateman, Jon Favreau and Kristin Davis, Vince Vaughn and Malin Akerman, and Faizon Love and Kali Hawk. sex. funny. my life in 10 years. awesome. thats all im going to say about Couples Retreat
Matt Damon and S. Soderburururg. YES. The Informant.
(funny people, bruno, the many good comedies this year! Add these to the list)
i was going to write more...too tired.
Matt Damon and S. Soderburururg. YES. The Informant.
(funny people, bruno, the many good comedies this year! Add these to the list)
i was going to write more...too tired.
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