I think the biggest thing that you'll realize when you venture into a bigger and more foreign world is how different the people are. I mean, this is a BIG idea. When you walk around Pella, Iowa or even Iowa in general you see a lot of the same; farmers, regulars, buff frat kids, nerds, fatties, skinny, and emos. In California, everyone is so cool. Every single ethnicity is represented while culture walls are broken down. Emo kids are hanging out with preps and they dress 452 times cooler than we WISH we could dress. Skateboarders are holding hands with la-coo-coo-racha girls sporting the new Juicy Couture line. I love this place. I love trends and fashion. I love acceptance of everyone. I love different worlds. Sometime, if it's possible, I want to put my soul in their shoes and see what they think of Pella, Iowa. Wow. Crazy idea. Rotten idea of the night= girls with fake boobs! Don't get me wrong, I love all parts of a woman, but fake? COME ON BABY! Love what our designer gave you!
Today was spent in the Palm Springs area

Since it was Sunday, it wasn't very hopping, which was disappointing. I can see why all the Cali peeps love partying here. Every other shop was a bar equipped with a sick sound system, live band or disco ball. Disco ball...PARTY!
Palm Springs also featured the two of the world's largest things... first, the world's largest wind farm!

In my last year of debate, the subject was about alternative energy sources. It was incredibly weird knowing I used to talk about this farm everyday for three months... then realizing I was staring right at it, two years later. TIME-WARP. This place is sweet, the film Seven filmed there! Fact of the week right there.
The area also had the world's "largest" outlet mall. Pretty cool stuff. Most of our friends would have gone gaga there. Shops included: Nike outlet, Puma outlet, Gucci, Prada, Juicy Couture, Polo Ralph Lauren, regular Ralph Lauren, 20 Starbucks,Lacoste, Armani, Gap, Zumies, Movado shop, and whatever else kind of thing you like. I spent a lot of money there. Like too much money there. I almost got everyone a Coach bag, but the line was too long and you're not worth that time. KIDDING! I wish I was crazy rich so I could wear what I wanted. I'd look so good.

I did get a new watch though, the collection is growing...

Anyway, while I was hanging out with the kids in the 20 minute wait Starbucks line, I realized that I suck at getting what I want (I mean I get whatever I don't want, but everything else...dang!). Like really bad. But right now, I just wish all of you were here with me now. Someday friends, when we rule the world, this can be one of our many playgrounds! Ch CH chCH cheCk it outTtT!

Love you and wish you loved me back,
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