I'll be posting about my west coast tour around the Las Vegas, Nevada and Palm Springs, California areas with pictures and stories, and this will hopefully give you an idea of what I get to witness, feel, or see on this vacation.
Here's my computing station I'm using. It's located in Moreno Valley, California (CAALLLLIIIIFOOORNNIIAAA, HERE WEEEEEE COOOMMMEEEE).

I feel so grown-up utilizing the hotel desk like it's my office. It's a dream come true, really.
First and foremost, shout out to my awesome friend Clayton Boeyink. Previously, I was sweating the fact that my iPod (Snickerdoodle, was her name) past away right before the trip. I was quite petrified thinking about traveling to the coast without means of music, all hope was lost. Luckily for me, I have amazing friends who lend helping hands. Clayton's iPod is beautiful, full of music that I wished I had. Mixtures between beautiful music, to Boys II Men, to pop punk, to childhood emo favorites, to hip hop, and back around again. Thanks Clayton, I wish you knew how much that meant to me man! The only downfall to this, I've been wanting to constantly listen to JoJo's Leave (get out) song. In fact, every time I do not listen to the song, I start sweating profusely and nervousness creeps in my bones harshly. Signs of withdrawal. Not good.
So far the trip has consisted of traveling. Lots of it. Here's the count
1. 3 hour drive to Kansas City Intl' Airport. A.K.A crappiest airport ever.
2. 3 hour flight to Phoenix, Arizona. I hate flying.
3. 45 Minute flight to Las Vegas, Nevada. I really hate flying.
4. 6 hour drive to CAAAALLLIIIIIFORNIA. (home of Lo from Laguna Beach, I like her)
We've been traveling with this rental SUV. The SUV screams "call me, so I can make it juicy for you".

Here's the skyline covered by desert hills. Beautiful, I wish I could take you here with me :)

Well, I'm off to go to the pool and see if anyone there wants to chat about life. I'll see you guys on the flip side. If I could have one wish right now, I'd wish all of you over here so we can party. MISS YOU.
p.s. Have you ever seen this sign in real life? I know you've seen it on T.V. or pictures, but this is my third time driving by it, in real life, in my entire life. Comment me and tell me if you've ever been to Vegas. If not, then I pinky promise to take you here sometime. Especially YOU.... you know who you are.

Leave! Get out! Right Now!
1 comment:
i should've given you my i pod. it has that jo jo song.
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