Tuesday, December 22, 2009

speaking truth: All I Want For Christmas...

...is this one girl.
Hah, good luck Andrew, you lame butt lame-o!
Hopefully she helps me out here. Then again, I'm a total jackass so whatever.

ps. RIP Brittney Murphy
pps. Lots of movie news, too lazy to talk about them.
ppps. I need to find ambition
pppps. I'm glad I'm home
ppppps. Check this out: coolest axes in the world...


pppppps. Here's a Christmas song by Death Cab For Cutie

Saturday, December 19, 2009

There's a phenomenon where you start trailing off your sentence...

Women could rule the world if they wanted. Not like Hitler (well, maybe some of those scalawags could...) but more like a Noble Peace Prize winner... more like a Nelson Mandela kind of way. More like the responsible kind of person.

Men do nothing but fight for their own greed. How many times do we see a wife glue together a relationship? I believe a case study of relationships and marriages will show men cannot function without their woman to keep pushing them from behind.

How does men and the world feel okay about being so disrespectful to our beautiful women in this world? How can women demean themselves in front of men? How can people sit on their couch with their bros and say "I'd gladly plow the hell out of the bitch, daaamn!" How can women wear close to nothing and fall object to a man's sexual doing?


I want you to imagine a world where women wouldn't be here to grab you an extra bottle of soap when you run out in the shower, or when they aren't here to make your lonely nights feel more loved. Imagine a world where a girls couldn't walk into your home or into your car and you notice how beautiful things can be. Imagine a world where you couldnt get that lump in your throat or that butterfly in your stomach. I want you to imagine a life where you won't find a girl that you'll happily bow to their feet for. Imagine a world of shallow loneliness embedded in sexual and disrespectful cravings.

Who are you calling bitches and skanks now?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Up UP UPPPPP and away...

Thanks Aziz. You rule.
There's something about staring at the girl you have a crush on. Its like it's supposed to do the talking for you.

I'm just mad that my cute TA (who regularly exchanges looks across the room with me) has a boyfriend. I don't why I know this. Or how I know this. It's not my fault I found her on facebook. Don't call me creepy.

p.s. if you want her social security, trade me for those Starburst gushies. So good.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I have finals week. I dont know what's worse... not knowing any of the answers on my upcoming tests... or... my mustache.



Thursday, December 10, 2009

In the Christmas Spirit. Hello Santa, you ruined my life.

Sketchy Santa from Coty Gonzales on Vimeo.

Keepin' it sketchy,

Lots of movies to see this week

Lots of good ones are coming out. Here's Adam Scott's new movie. He veers away from a lot of his other roles you know him in like Step Brothers and his character in the hilarious show: Party Down.

Word on the street says watch out for his Oscar Nom. Hes an underdog and is already up against Jeff Bridges in the Independent Spirit Awards.

The Vicious Kind

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mah band, mah band.

My pop punk band just finished up crushing the Vaudeville Mews last night opening up for Sons & Heirs and Bamboo Shoots.

Sons & Heirs played their brand new set and my ears exploded directly after they finished playing. Shortly after, I went the hospital.
Prognosis: my ears received sound waves that were too epic for it to compute. True story.

Their new music is too good.

Bamboo Shoots are on Epic Records and have toured with the likes of 3oh3! and All Time Low. Here's a picture of them jumping...

They ruled! Really nice dudes and sexy music. We even had a dance off in the middle of their set. Of course, it only consisted of 2 dudes awkwardly trying to get involved and 1 dude shamelessly doing the worm. Typical.

Here's a picture of me interviewing them...

It is what it is my friends,


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If you read my last post. Then you'll understand this one more.

I told you: important things.

December already. Sup son?

Dude, it's December and it's like 50 degrees outside.

Remember being a middle schooler and when the weather starts getting warm after winter, you'd get off the bus...take off your jacket, and play basketball in the driveway? Even if it's still like 40 degrees outside...

I almost did that today, but instead of taking off my jacket and playing basketball with my neighbors when I got off the bus.... I....

...got off the bus, took of my jacket, went inside my apartment, and... PAYED MY BILLS. Yup, I got important shit to do. Then I wasted 3 hours doing stupid shit on the internet. Like look at ninja cats. Like I said...important things.

... ... ............ ...

Here's new music for you all.



more later,