Today was third installment of my tour in California. The entire day was spent in San Diego, which is beautiful by the way. Before we touch that subject, did my outfit look like something Kanye West would wear?

Because I totally wasn't going for that look...
Anyway, back to San Diego. If any of you actually know me, you'd know my family is GIGANTIC. Just made of insane proportions. I mean, think about it... I'm Asian. It's like a prerequisite that I have at LEAST 43 different first cousins... and that's only first cousins. Today was spent meeting up with my great uncles, aunts, first cousins, some other person I don't know how I'm related too, and some other people I'm related to. We hung out and went to my second cousins house. She takes care of Autistic children. It was freaking awesome seeing how people lived in San Diego. It's an entire new world here compared to Iowa.
My second cousin, the one who cares for those autistic kids, also has two children of her own. Here's the pictures I took while we were playing together. Oh, and by the way, these kids were absolutely insane. The amount of energy these kids had was comparable to drinking 23 Surge cans while digesting every Starbucks drink with espresso. These kids were probably pooping energy.
This is A.J... He's seven. The oldest of my second cousin's kids. I took this picture while he was telling me about how he has 3 different girlfriends, which he managed to slip in while telling me a story about how his best friend got hit in the "nuts" by a baseball.

This is Adrian, the youngest. He's one. He also has a soft spot for Dora The Explorer and Buzz Lightyear. He's cute.

This a picture of the two kids setting up "house bowling". We never got to bowl because Adrien kept knocking the "pins" down.

These next two charming lads are two autistic kids they care for. The first is Albert, he's a pretty bright kid who can either be completely out of control and scream random things (and run away from home) or just shut off the autism and be completely quiet and normal. The next kid is CJ. He's mute and never talks I guess. I tried to get him to say hi to me. I don't think he liked me much, but he did wave. He has trouble doing anything unless you order him to. For example, when he poops and finishes, you have to tell him to pull his pants up and leave the bathroom, or he'll just sit there for hours. Pretty sweet.

I'm sick of uploading the other pictures... so here's a bunch of Adrien. HE'S SO KEWT. OMGOMG.

Welp, that was most of the day. Not too exciting but I'm fine with it. After that we went to another mall where I picked up two pairs of skinny Levi's jeans and a shirt from H&M. I've spent $200.00 in the last two days. FML>>>...

Another thing; there's a lot of cute and beautiful girls here. None of them are white though! Gosh this world is so different from Iowa. I hardly see any white girls. All the girls here are good looking though. Alas! Not as good looking as my girls in Iowa though. Especially you. Hold me to that. I'm not even kidding!
Seriously, you guys are the cutest,
1 comment:
my dad is from san diego. it's so awesome, i haven't been for like 10 years tho. damn.
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