Here is a quick summary of what my first day of college classes were like. Excuse the spelling errors... I typed it up really fast for a Facebook message.
******************* here's the full detail of my first day if you care to hear it: started with waking up and finishing the rest of my Ethiopian blend from smokey row, in which i realized that the packaging we have is ugly. Chip and I then attempted to go on a run, we ran 2.3 miles and i began to realize im fat and need to stop before i die. so we stopped and went back to our apt. I showered and went to Social Psych where a lot of my friends ended up being in. This means i can cheat in that class. cool. The kid in front of me was tryign to hit on the girl sitting to his left. he was failing. i lol'ed underneath my breath
Then i went to math where i almost fell asleep. a lot. i sat next to a cute freshmen girl named nikki who told me about how she loves lake red rock. She seemed pretty cool, but her backpack was ugly so i wasnt digging it. I tried to zone her out while dozing off. Then i went to Acting 240 where we acting. That was cool and the teacher reminded me of jim carrey mixed with Cameron Vanberkum. This caused me to daydream most of the period.
Then me and my friends Kate and Molly went to walmart and bought boards and paint to spaltter paint and make art pictures. that ended my frist day of classes. I then had the opportunity to talk to the 2 most beautiful girls in the entire world on facebook after playing basketball all night. Then i realized the insane amount of love i have for them.
This is the story of my life. Every single witty remark, rant, situation, idea, thought, soundtrack, all of it... everything in this movie is my life to a T.
You've shown me a lot of great things and given me a lot of great memories. I've endeared another amazing summer full of blessings. Although the summer didn't entail every detail I expected, you carried me through some great moments and I thank you for that Pella, Iowa. You, Pella, have the greatest people in the world. Thank you for letting me hang out with the coolest bunches of people this world will ever have the honor of carrying. Welp, you know what they say... DON'T STOP BELIEVING.
OH, hello Ames, Iowa. How are you?
So, I'm sitting in my apartment trying to kill time before I go to 500 Days of Summer with my roommates and I'm reading Cosmopolitan. You know, that crappy girl magazine that tells you how to not be fat and look good and shiz. Yeah, it's dumb.
Reading this magazine has firmly reminded me my hate for girl magazines. The concept, ideas, and message it sends to girls completely destroys any appealing aspect that girls can attain.
For instance, this Cosmopoltian contains articles about what makes a guy good at sex, so it make their expectations high, and it talks about how guys like bitchy girls, or how to dress to appeal certain types of guys.
ALL BULLSHIT. Girls here's word of advice from a very picky GUY: be yourself. Definitely don't be a douche, and all this magazine does is make girls douche bags. Yeah, take a fashion advice or other useful things from it, but the big chunks of stupid advice= stupid advice.
Then the girls who read this b.s. end up talking about how they can't find a decent guy and all guys are losers. Dumb.
Just date me...I'd be the best boyfriend ever, Andrew
You. Thanks for sticking along. Spread the word about this blog and get ready for bigger and better things this fall.
By the way, this movie will destroy you. It's brilliant, just brilliant. Believe me, I've seen too many movies and this one is a classic.
"Technically brilliant and emotionally wrenching, District 9 has action, imagination, and all the elements of a thoroughly entertaining science-fiction classic."
Sorry. I'm behind on posting things about movies for you. The overwhelming feeling of leaving the Pella summer for college in Ames next week has got me behind in everything. Lots of stuff is on my mind and I'm running out of time. Remember the movie Clockstoppers? That would be handy right now. Time, why do you always work against us?
Here's the music update: William Fitzsimmons- Funeral Dress acoustic
Movie update: Law Abiding Citizen: Starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler
My facebook page is currently unavailable and facebook is apologizing for any inconvenience. INCONVENIENCE? THIS IS MORE THAN THAT. THIS IS ANGER. THIS IS CAPITAL LETTER ANGER. How am I supposed to creep on people? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO STAY CONNECTED?! Bad way to end a bad day. Anyone else use facebook to escape? How about using facebook to burn time? Everything is better in facebook world. Think about it. Couples are cuter, people can hide their ugliness, you can chat to anyone around the world, and you can lie about what you love (or lie about how you love). If you don't agree, you're lying to yourself. THIS IS CAPITAL LETTER LIES. THIS IS A CAPITAL LETTER.
I got embarrassed today. I got really paranoid. Help.
This was printed in New York Magazine. Sophie Blackall is a New Yorkian artist who draws out the "missed connections" page on Craigslist. Check them out... Oh, and here's the link to the missed connections page I'm talking about.
I've thought about posting about a missed connection on craigslist a lot. Even though the missed connection is within reach to bridge everyday, something always holds me back... oh... it was probably the fact that it was a missed connection. Dang.
Here's the artist's main page if you were wondering...
Gosh, I'm so behind with everything that I dont even know where to start. I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating. My goal isn't to keep you long so I'll start with something good. Here's the new preview for NEW YORK, I LOVE YOU. Looks epic. You guys ever have those nights (even if it doesn't happen much) where you just look at your city and feel happy about where you are? You ever have those nights when you're so content that you find yourself saying "Pella/Iowa...I Love you." Then check this trailer out...
The film includes short films directed by Jian Wen, Mira Nair, Brett Ratner, Allen Hughes, Shekhar Khapur, Natalie Portman, Fatih Akin, Joshua Marston and Randy Balsmyer. The film’s ensemble cast includes: Bradley Cooper, Andy Garcia, Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson, Natalie Portman, Irrfan Khan, Emilie Ohana, Orlando Bloom, Christina Ricci, Maggie Q, Ethan Hawke, James Caan, Blake Lively, Drea de Matteo, John Hurt, Shia LaBeouf, Burt Young, Chris Cooper, Eli Wallach and Cloris Leachman.
I'm getting really behind on movies and music in general. I guess Cold Souls and Spread have already had their screenings. Hopefully they come to Iowa soon...but I'll have to keep my fingers crossed on that. Check out those trailers on, those movies will rule... I promise.
The definition of the word BUMMER is this: bum·mer (bmr) n. 1. Slang: One that depresses, frustrates, or disappoints
Things have been bummer lately. I've been lacking on motivation and all the glory that comes along with it. Don't get me wrong, I've done A LOT of sweet things since my epic attention grabbing vacation, but I feel like there is so much more I'm missing out on. It's a bummer. Situations arise that bum everyone. There are times where I find myself bummed or crabby for no reason, other times...there is definitely a reason, but I've always been good with suppressing it with a good time and a positive attitude (I'm sure you can all relate). However, lately it's all been catching up on me. Bummer. I don't want summer to end. I don't want to feel empty or disappointed at the end of the night anymore. I dont want to suppress anything anymore. I don't want bummer things to bum me out. I just want to spend time with you and have a good time and a good laugh before we run out of time.
blah blah blah. emo emo emo.
will someone cute just hang out and have a good time with me? Andrew.
p.s. why do couples sit on the same side of the booth? dumb.
This movie is going to epic. Not just the overused version of epic, but the truly groundbreaking epic we take for granted. No intro here, just watch the trailer please.
Sorry about the internet problem. I know it stinks I couldn't keep you updated on how Las Vegas was but it turned out better in the end. I took around 200 pictures during my stay there, but if you've ever been to Vegas, you'll know the experience is something that needs to be personal and seen through your own personal soul. I wish I could show you what I did and what I saw, but a cell phone camera and words wouldn't do justice to a feeling that really can't be described. Someday, friends, we'll be able to experience the magic and fun of these vacations together. Count on it.
If you really want to hear these insane and amazing stories, or even just see the pictures, holler at me. I'd love to hang out with you anyway :)
With that being said, the blog will go back to regular programing and expect a lot of the same...but hopefully better.
I've got a lot of new tricks up my sleeve that I plan on revealing soon. Man, I hope that they have some sort of positive affect... if not, Hakuna Matata right?
I also have a lot of thoughts running through my mind and stuff that has been bothering me. I won't bore you with them, but I need to vent, so if you want to listen... call me.
It's a busy week ahead of me... check out my schedule. Tuesday: Mock Trial grill out and reunion. Movie in Des Moines after Wednesday: Work @ Smokey Row Thursday: Super end of the summer hang out party Friday: Grill out @ Ryman's (call for details) then playing a show in Osky @ 8:oo p.m. Saturday: Work @ Smokey Row
I can fit you in there somewhere though, so let's hang out.
Summer is almost over. Time to take risks and go for it all before time runs out. Let's do something fun, any ideas?
Love (not all the time, but most of the time), andrew