Thursday, December 18, 2008
Fuck college books.
We have the opportunity to "sell them back for money".
I got $43.00 dollars back. FORTY THREE DOLLARS. WTF.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I was in pella, so I didn't write
I spent another weekend in Pella, due to an important doctor appointment I had. The trip gave me a very sharp realization that I really want to be on (insert holiday here) break already. I love being home. Heart is where your home is, or something like that.
I haven't posted in awhile. I guess you can say I've been busy with finals and stuff (I just say that so I feel like a college kid. It's an excuse really because the Lord knows I haven't done shit for finals). To tell the truth, it kind of sucks. Because of my laziness, there is so much to catch all you people up on. I won't cover it all. I can just say this: you all missed out on epic things. For instance, I got a new watch from my dad on Sunday (I posted a picture). I asked a girl on a date and she said yes. I fought off an elite brand of Unicorns with the help of a Finish bottle full with holy water. Oh, and I got accepted to Hogwarts. I don't know if I'll transfer, Iowa State gave me too much in scholarships to leave it behind.
Gene Chizik left Iowa State for Auburn. Why the fuck would Auburn choose Gene? GENE?! Screw you Gene. Posted a record of 5-19 and now the head coach of the 14th best prestige in D1 college football. GENE. WTF GENE.
I found this picture of me when I was a sophomore. Look at my effing hair. Ridiculous.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

*Here's the flier for my second annual holiday charity concert
The show is slowly coming together, but it's making it there. Peep out tom's shows for me while you're at it then head over to the concert at Smokey Row in Pella, IA
All you Pella kids should know this is a dope ass time, so spread the word.
more later,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Burr, its cewld in hur, it muzt be tha cyclonez in tha atmozphure
*cue in epiphany* I'm allergic to the cold.
I ate at Linden dining center tonight, which is right across the street. For some reason, there were cuties everywhere, and I don't just mean to my right, left, front, and behind me. THEY WHERE EVERYWHERE. They were hiding in my pepsi, inside my fuckin pasta, next to my salad, even next to my fucking elbows and kneecaps. It was bloody glorious. GLORIOUS. *If I didn't have so much control, they all totally would have been giving me dome for dinner. Of course, I denied 75 percent of them that asked me to give them a snow looking meal due to respect of myself. The other 25 percent... gave them a raincheck.*
I'm catching up on the 2008 Urban Word NYC Teen Poetry Slam Finals. Spoken word is so epic. All you readers really need to peep this stuff, it is so boss. The inflexions, adjectives, nouns, verbs, all of it and how it can string together to move an audience. The art of speaking is powerful. I can't help but feel inspired when I hear this stuff. It's so real. So very real.
Monday, December 8, 2008
OMG LOL ROFL BRB!!!!!1111oneone

---my best friend is getting married to one of the best guy friends a man can ever have. congratulations guys. So much time has passed and lives changed. It seems like yesterday we were freshmen being stupid in a small town (i'll never forget the crazy memories, even the smallest of things). Now we are spread throughout Haiti changing lives, Morocco spreading love, or in Ames figuring out life. But change has never fucked up our friendship. That has always been constant and true, and if that's all I have, then that's okay.
p.s. i hate the pipsqueak jabronis that talk shit about harry potter, the falcons, and my amazing skillz at being the Le Bron James of life. Fuck Yall.
surely, there had to be a way....
I once heard that a song isn't ever completed, yet only abandoned. We've got all these melodies guiding us through the bars and notes, and a wide array of harmonies behind the derivative measures, but there's only so much time until we give up on those sounds. Until we get sick of the repetitive mediocre repertoire. Could that be true of life? I mean think about it, how many times do I find myself sick of moving through the motions? All of those hopes and dreams we have stored up in our hearts... how many of those have we abandoned? It's broad, but it's true. You can only pluck the same note so many times until the hint of dull sets in.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one basking in the realization of change. It hurts me not seeing the same 14 year old kid who's caught up in the moment when I look in the mirror. I woke up early this weekend and felt that pit of emptiness in my stomach. Life is dancing circles around me. Is it bad that I loved my memories so much that I still bask in them? It just feels like time is just another shining evil that holds us back. It only seems like yesterday we were getting rides to our friend's basements from our parents. It only seems like yesterday we were scared of seniors. It only seems like yesterday we were content with wasting time doing nothing in our favorite hang out (as long as loved ones were there to waste it with you). You build all these ideas of what the future will be like when you're naive and confident. The realization of time wasted, sets in when you notice that time has flashed by since then. That's scary. I loved high school and amazing memories that came along with it. The next thing I notice, I'm giving a graduation speech in front of a thousand people and gearing up for the next step of my life. Now I'm stuck in Ames, scared and naive again.
I'm scared to see what comes next. I'm scared of the day I stop thinking "am I actually doing this already?" I'm scared of the day it becomes routine to realize things will never be the way you believed them to become. Sometimes I'm content with that realization. More times, I am not. I don't want to abandon those songs, I don't want to abandon those dreams. Surely there has to be a way to live this life.
-to be continued .
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Most people just suck (most of the time)

I am the king of the fucking court.
We put together an intramural team last minute and still won the championship. The opposition was bitter about us rocking their world. Pretentious losers.
There was an ugly sweater party on my floor today. I didn't take part because I don't do well with ugly, it's just not my thing. Instead I took the picture and just chilled in my room again (all night) before the soccer tournament. It's been really nice having a super chill weekend, it helps a lot with that new goal I set.
It was weird seeing everyone gather for another Christmas already. It's just not the same having Christmas here in Ames. I don't know, I guess it just doesn't feel as special without seeing the square all lighted up and Smokey Row's decorations glowing all over the place. It's kind of sad.
Lately I've been annoyed with people a lot easier than usual, which is weird. Maybe I'm just sick of this effing place. Or the fact that people still wear socks with sandals around. Pipsqueaks.
I don't know what it is, but I have also been thinking about life a lot lately. I'll probably get on later and tell you what's up.
Until then, use Jer(k)gens loation to sooth the skin. It's way nice!
Friday, December 5, 2008
There's nothing to do except listen to new Christmas music.
Today's been a really weird day. I've caught myself staring and comtemplating life frequently throughout the day. I'll probably write a blurp about it in the near future.
This served no purpose, but it's the first post of my *newer* blog. Who knows? I might get back on later and type some more while I listen to more holiday tunes/ Po Folks (by the Nappy Roots).
P.S. Im throwing my annual holiday charity show at Smokey Row at the end of December. If you want to play, let me know.
No one reads this,