I am the king of the fucking court.
We put together an intramural team last minute and still won the championship. The opposition was bitter about us rocking their world. Pretentious losers.
There was an ugly sweater party on my floor today. I didn't take part because I don't do well with ugly, it's just not my thing. Instead I took the picture and just chilled in my room again (all night) before the soccer tournament. It's been really nice having a super chill weekend, it helps a lot with that new goal I set.
It was weird seeing everyone gather for another Christmas already. It's just not the same having Christmas here in Ames. I don't know, I guess it just doesn't feel as special without seeing the square all lighted up and Smokey Row's decorations glowing all over the place. It's kind of sad.
Lately I've been annoyed with people a lot easier than usual, which is weird. Maybe I'm just sick of this effing place. Or the fact that people still wear socks with sandals around. Pipsqueaks.
I don't know what it is, but I have also been thinking about life a lot lately. I'll probably get on later and tell you what's up.
Until then, use Jer(k)gens loation to sooth the skin. It's way nice!
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