Thursday, September 16, 2010

I've been

flying through nostalgia tonight. I write about time and memories a lot. I'm never sure if it's healthy but I'm not sure of much anymore.

I won't get into the emotions that nostalgia brings out in me, but I'm sure you've all felt it before. It's like real life magic. I never understood my obsession with it, but... man, I don't know. Magic.

Anyway, I found this post on a good friend's old Myspace blog. He was going through some shitty times back when we only cared about looking cool, music, and girls. He told me a year ago that it was the best advice he's ever gotten.

Looks like nostalgia hit me at the right time. More than anything, I needed to be reminded about what I used to believe in.

This is from 2006.


you're one of my best friends, and i hope you take this in the right way. cuz i know you will.

dont keep yourself stuck in the past or bring it into the future. dont loath in what could happen or whats going to happen.

because its all about the ride. whats the use if you cant just sit back and ride the rollor coaster out. let the bad, scary, days come and youll be at the bottom of the hill. but the coaster always comes back up. its all about the ride bro.

and i'll ride it out with you forever.

Posted by andrewWK on Thursday, August 24, 2006 - 6:24 PM

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