Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wiz Khalifa
Some say this dude is whack. I don't know what I think quite yet. All I know is that I think it's weird when girls wear rainboots/tights/a dress/ and a stocking cap.
It makes me wonder. I'm pumped to wear my Timberlands, tall NBA socks, fire camouflage shorts, green thermal, and Gap ear muffs tomorrow. LOOK OUT ARMANI, LOPEZ FASHION COMIN' IN HAWT.
Oh, and the dude is Wiz Khalifa. Here's one of his new singles from Deal Or No Deal. Cool beans.
It makes me wonder. I'm pumped to wear my Timberlands, tall NBA socks, fire camouflage shorts, green thermal, and Gap ear muffs tomorrow. LOOK OUT ARMANI, LOPEZ FASHION COMIN' IN HAWT.
Oh, and the dude is Wiz Khalifa. Here's one of his new singles from Deal Or No Deal. Cool beans.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday might have been one of the best days of my entire life, and that includes all the days in the coming future. I mean, like, there's some days that have ruled in the past and the future is going to rule too (like the day when Emma Watson and I go on a date to the San Diego Zoo, buy ring pops, and I kiss her in front of the red butt baboons), but Friday will always find a spot in the top 10 best days of my life.
I saw 3 awesome bands live. Especially Copeland and Barcelona.
Saw old friends.
Talked to my celebrity crush that I've been creepily obsessed with.
Real talk with a good friend of mine.
Went to a dance party with a good friend of mine and saw other good friends of mine.
Had breakfast with good friends of mine and my younger brother.
Cool Beans. I don't mean to be vulgar about the entire thing, but it gave me a boner. Yep!
So anyway, here's the cool update of the week.
director/producer/writer SPIKE JONZE, who is coming right off the big screen adaption of WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (in which he directed), made a short film with KANYE WEST as the star. Spike has directed 2 other music videos for Kanye and this short film was put into a handful of award ceremonies. Check ittt out!
Oh, and remember that crazy celebrity crush I have? Her name is LIGHTS. She's a really beautiful singer and woman. She's on that tour with that one band called Owl City. Yeah. This is her.

This is me hanging out with her! She asked if I was dating anyone, I didn't want to seem lame and I wanted to impress her so I lied and said "yes, like three different girls". She said "oh" and looked really sad. She totally wanted me and I totally messed up. OH WELL! Thanks Bryan for the picture!

Barcelona live= epic.

And a shout out goes to this group of kids. We were at a dance party and they informed me that they read my blog. That was cool to hear. You guys rule and make me blush redder than an orange that's painted red!

This post was sloppy because I'm still flustered from meeting my dream girl,
I saw 3 awesome bands live. Especially Copeland and Barcelona.
Saw old friends.
Talked to my celebrity crush that I've been creepily obsessed with.
Real talk with a good friend of mine.
Went to a dance party with a good friend of mine and saw other good friends of mine.
Had breakfast with good friends of mine and my younger brother.
Cool Beans. I don't mean to be vulgar about the entire thing, but it gave me a boner. Yep!
So anyway, here's the cool update of the week.
director/producer/writer SPIKE JONZE, who is coming right off the big screen adaption of WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (in which he directed), made a short film with KANYE WEST as the star. Spike has directed 2 other music videos for Kanye and this short film was put into a handful of award ceremonies. Check ittt out!
Oh, and remember that crazy celebrity crush I have? Her name is LIGHTS. She's a really beautiful singer and woman. She's on that tour with that one band called Owl City. Yeah. This is her.

This is me hanging out with her! She asked if I was dating anyone, I didn't want to seem lame and I wanted to impress her so I lied and said "yes, like three different girls". She said "oh" and looked really sad. She totally wanted me and I totally messed up. OH WELL! Thanks Bryan for the picture!

Barcelona live= epic.

And a shout out goes to this group of kids. We were at a dance party and they informed me that they read my blog. That was cool to hear. You guys rule and make me blush redder than an orange that's painted red!

This post was sloppy because I'm still flustered from meeting my dream girl,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Lots of awesome stuff to tell you about. Just know that I'll fill you in on one of the best days of my life ever! That's for tomorrow though.
For right now...
NEW ROCKET SUMMER SONG called HILLS AND VALLEYS from their new EP out on Tuesday.
Bryce Avary has so much talent. He's hopeful and ambitious. Great people make great music.
okay bye.
Be ready for tomorrow,
For right now...
NEW ROCKET SUMMER SONG called HILLS AND VALLEYS from their new EP out on Tuesday.
Bryce Avary has so much talent. He's hopeful and ambitious. Great people make great music.
okay bye.
Be ready for tomorrow,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
This is a website that sports the best thing in the world... beautiful girls.
I never thought I would say this but... nevermind.

I have nothing more left to say.
I never thought I would say this but... nevermind.

I have nothing more left to say.
Monday, October 19, 2009
You suddenly complete me
If you know me well, you'll know that friends come first to me.
My best friends Taylor and Clayton Boeyink were married this past weekend and I had the opportunity to stand up on Taylor's side of the wedding party. I was a bridesman/guy/dawg.

I wish there were words that I could use to explain the elegance and beauty that came from this wedding. So many emotions were visible and felt during the entire weekend and it was unreal.
I will say this:
Love is hard to come by. So many times in our lives we find love only makes us become skeptical of peace and hope. We see love broken down into horrible forms of emotion through divorce, hatred, disappointment, lies, or unfaithfulness. We're spoon-fed silly children stories, Hollywood movies, and beautiful music that portray a love that never seems to scratch at our personal surface. We as humans are selfish and pessimistic. Love becomes a struggle. We hope, only to end up struggling. Something so beautiful should never make us hurt.
I'm the first to admit that I fall victim to that description more times than less.
This past weekend has shown me that I had it all wrong. We try so hard to find a big mural or painting of love and we try so hard to live up to the stories, movies, and songs that fuel our imagination of love. In that journey we fail the see the little things that truly define the emotion that we seek.
While we were taking pictures with Suzzane Corum, I looked around and saw how beautiful the world looked. The fall scenery, smell, and overcast brought goosebumps to the moment. The imagine of a color shifting fall tree struck a chord of peace through my body. Our wedding party was standing on a bridge and I saw my best friends laughing, hugging, high fiving, making jokes, and smiling. I saw a young bride and her groom completely happy. I saw friends I haven't seen in months and I made new friends with people I met only an hour before.
In that moment of time, amidst the laughs, smiles, hugs, dancing, pictures, smell of fall, high fives, piggy back rides, sharing of water bottles and bags of chips, I saw love flowing through our lives.
The little paintings can pile up to make a huge mural of love. Little things like laughing with your friends, hugging your neighbor of 10 years, hugging a new friend of 10 hours, going to Mc Donalds wearing suits with two loving friends, sharing a beer with a friend whose life has moved east, dancing too hard to sandstorm, teaching a white girl how to stanky leg, meeting a grandparent who is still gaga for her husband of over fifty years, laughing with a pastor of a church, talking basketball with a bunch of dudes while taking a poop, reminiscing over 'high school days' and the WCW, chill bachelor and bachelorette parties, seeing pretty girls, trying too hard for pretty girls, hugging your best friends, seeing a 19 year old girl completely lost in love with a 21 year old boy, and everything in between can paint that mural.
Love is easy to take for granted or even ignore. If you drop your expectations and allow yourself to be vulnerable sometimes you find love in the craziest of situations. As many times as love will fail us, it will find a way to put it's magic back in our bones.
Taylor and Clayton... you two are the best people I've ever met. I'm so proud of your young love and passion. You will change the world with your ambition and grace. Never give up on each other and strive to better your marriage everyday. Stay strong. Congratulations and thanks for one of the best weekends ever!

Best crew ever. No drama and way too much fun.

My best friends Taylor and Clayton Boeyink were married this past weekend and I had the opportunity to stand up on Taylor's side of the wedding party. I was a bridesman/guy/dawg.

I wish there were words that I could use to explain the elegance and beauty that came from this wedding. So many emotions were visible and felt during the entire weekend and it was unreal.
I will say this:
Love is hard to come by. So many times in our lives we find love only makes us become skeptical of peace and hope. We see love broken down into horrible forms of emotion through divorce, hatred, disappointment, lies, or unfaithfulness. We're spoon-fed silly children stories, Hollywood movies, and beautiful music that portray a love that never seems to scratch at our personal surface. We as humans are selfish and pessimistic. Love becomes a struggle. We hope, only to end up struggling. Something so beautiful should never make us hurt.
I'm the first to admit that I fall victim to that description more times than less.
This past weekend has shown me that I had it all wrong. We try so hard to find a big mural or painting of love and we try so hard to live up to the stories, movies, and songs that fuel our imagination of love. In that journey we fail the see the little things that truly define the emotion that we seek.
While we were taking pictures with Suzzane Corum, I looked around and saw how beautiful the world looked. The fall scenery, smell, and overcast brought goosebumps to the moment. The imagine of a color shifting fall tree struck a chord of peace through my body. Our wedding party was standing on a bridge and I saw my best friends laughing, hugging, high fiving, making jokes, and smiling. I saw a young bride and her groom completely happy. I saw friends I haven't seen in months and I made new friends with people I met only an hour before.
In that moment of time, amidst the laughs, smiles, hugs, dancing, pictures, smell of fall, high fives, piggy back rides, sharing of water bottles and bags of chips, I saw love flowing through our lives.
The little paintings can pile up to make a huge mural of love. Little things like laughing with your friends, hugging your neighbor of 10 years, hugging a new friend of 10 hours, going to Mc Donalds wearing suits with two loving friends, sharing a beer with a friend whose life has moved east, dancing too hard to sandstorm, teaching a white girl how to stanky leg, meeting a grandparent who is still gaga for her husband of over fifty years, laughing with a pastor of a church, talking basketball with a bunch of dudes while taking a poop, reminiscing over 'high school days' and the WCW, chill bachelor and bachelorette parties, seeing pretty girls, trying too hard for pretty girls, hugging your best friends, seeing a 19 year old girl completely lost in love with a 21 year old boy, and everything in between can paint that mural.
Love is easy to take for granted or even ignore. If you drop your expectations and allow yourself to be vulnerable sometimes you find love in the craziest of situations. As many times as love will fail us, it will find a way to put it's magic back in our bones.
Taylor and Clayton... you two are the best people I've ever met. I'm so proud of your young love and passion. You will change the world with your ambition and grace. Never give up on each other and strive to better your marriage everyday. Stay strong. Congratulations and thanks for one of the best weekends ever!

Best crew ever. No drama and way too much fun.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
I have returned from Hollywood, Iowa
Hello everyone that's still being faithful to my love child of a blog. It's been a damned long time but I'm ready to bring this guy back in full force. I've got a huge showing of hits on this blog and I have no idea where it's coming from, especially since I've been gone doing more important things and achieving lifelong goals (I now have a girlfriend in every single continent of the world, believe me, or don't).
Sorry, I promise to fill you in with all of my shortcomings during my absent period sometime soon. Just know that I've been studying my butt off and I just got done filming the movies Janie Jones and Smitty. Cool beans.
Here's the trailer for THE CRAZIES. I'm a little late on this one considering I haven't been on here for awhile but I decided it was approiate to show this trailer. The movie was filmed in southern Iowa and it's a remake of the George Romero classic. What do you think of Mad World being in that trailer? I think it's like being a lion in the Great Plains. Whatever that means.
I'll be home for Taylor Vander Well and Clayton Boeyink's wedding this weekend. It's going to be brilliant. I'm a bridesman. It's like that movie with Patrick Dempsey, except I'm way sexier.
good to be back,
Sorry, I promise to fill you in with all of my shortcomings during my absent period sometime soon. Just know that I've been studying my butt off and I just got done filming the movies Janie Jones and Smitty. Cool beans.
Here's the trailer for THE CRAZIES. I'm a little late on this one considering I haven't been on here for awhile but I decided it was approiate to show this trailer. The movie was filmed in southern Iowa and it's a remake of the George Romero classic. What do you think of Mad World being in that trailer? I think it's like being a lion in the Great Plains. Whatever that means.
I'll be home for Taylor Vander Well and Clayton Boeyink's wedding this weekend. It's going to be brilliant. I'm a bridesman. It's like that movie with Patrick Dempsey, except I'm way sexier.
good to be back,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
its coming.
Monday, October 5, 2009
excuse me, may I use the copier?
Aight ladies and kind of gentlemen, I'm back full fledged. It has become very routine for me to apologize for being "too busy with work, school, bro'in out, and ballin" to blog. I feel pretty poop-tastic about it. This blot used to be funny, had music, movies, and other shiz. I miss it and I'm going to fix it yo!
Expect a post tonight to fill you all in on what I've been busy working on and then a new updates on the fun world we live in.
My psych professor looks at me like he wants to pounce on me.
Expect a post tonight to fill you all in on what I've been busy working on and then a new updates on the fun world we live in.
My psych professor looks at me like he wants to pounce on me.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mike Posner hype
Believe the hype and all the blogs.
21 year old Mike Posner (whose mixtape is posted on this blog in earlier Music posts)is rocking his senior year at Duke University while touring and signed to J records. He created a miniseries following his story. This guy has the life we all wished we had!
21 year old Mike Posner (whose mixtape is posted on this blog in earlier Music posts)is rocking his senior year at Duke University while touring and signed to J records. He created a miniseries following his story. This guy has the life we all wished we had!
Mike Posner One Foot Out The Door trailer from Mike Posner on Vimeo.
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