I saw 3 awesome bands live. Especially Copeland and Barcelona.
Saw old friends.
Talked to my celebrity crush that I've been creepily obsessed with.
Real talk with a good friend of mine.
Went to a dance party with a good friend of mine and saw other good friends of mine.
Had breakfast with good friends of mine and my younger brother.
Cool Beans. I don't mean to be vulgar about the entire thing, but it gave me a boner. Yep!
So anyway, here's the cool update of the week.
director/producer/writer SPIKE JONZE, who is coming right off the big screen adaption of WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (in which he directed), made a short film with KANYE WEST as the star. Spike has directed 2 other music videos for Kanye and this short film was put into a handful of award ceremonies. Check ittt out!
Oh, and remember that crazy celebrity crush I have? Her name is LIGHTS. She's a really beautiful singer and woman. She's on that tour with that one band called Owl City. Yeah. This is her.

This is me hanging out with her! She asked if I was dating anyone, I didn't want to seem lame and I wanted to impress her so I lied and said "yes, like three different girls". She said "oh" and looked really sad. She totally wanted me and I totally messed up. OH WELL! Thanks Bryan for the picture!

Barcelona live= epic.

And a shout out goes to this group of kids. We were at a dance party and they informed me that they read my blog. That was cool to hear. You guys rule and make me blush redder than an orange that's painted red!

This post was sloppy because I'm still flustered from meeting my dream girl,
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