Finally got a chance to peep Sam Raimi's new movie DRAG ME TO HELL this past weekend. Sheer amazing. It's to die for. Literally. OMGOMG LOL.
You really should go check it out, even you kids who live in Pella (yes, that means you, you overly conservative jabronis). If you don't know, Raimi is the genius behind the EVIL DEAD series and SPIDERMAN series. After a few flukes underneath his belt, including Spider-Man 3, all I can say is... welcome back to the top Sam Raimi. Now I know this might come to a surprise, but DRAG ME TO HELL is intended to be campy COMEDY horror. The film manages to scare the complete shit out of you enforcing you to scream like 7 year old girl getting shoved off a merry-go-round by a 12 year old bully listening to Limp Bizkit Rollin' (it really will, trust me) while being able to make you laugh like you just saw a kid slip on the ice while stepping off a bus. It's really that great. Here's the full reviews if you dont believe me...
Mind you, however, you HAVE to see it in theaters. The movie's scare and laugh effects rely heavily on the sound effects and audience reaction. Trust me on this one, kids... it'll be the best 10 bones you've spent in awhile. Or just see Up, that's good too!
I'm also calling that THE HANGOVER will be super duper HILARIOUS.

Anyway... I saw a kid at the mall who kinda of looked like this...

I wanted to poop my pants and run into a tree. That's how awkward I felt walking behind him... yeah.
I also want to say this: The MTV movie awards suck. It's worthless and Will Ferrell is the only one who understands how much of a joke it is. How do I know this? He didn't waste time by dressing up and instead showed up wearing a Puma track jacket and jeans. A Ha! Finally a celebrity that's realized the MTV awards is just as trashy as most of the Andy Samberg jokes. I mean don't get me wrong, Andy Samberg is a great guy and pretty funny, but this show was just horrid. They should have gotten Chris Brown to host. He's the man... and let's be honest... he's more of a man than all of us! He does the things that us men wish we can do but know we cant! Like, dance.. sing.. fight girls... make money! I kid. I kid. I love girls and respect them. They are better than man.
More later.
Bitches ain't shit, but women ain't bitches.
See, women are the queens, and bitches just bitches,
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