I tried to make an acronym for block off the top of my head using the first words that came to mind and it worked pretty well if you ask me. Screw you.
Currently, I'm trying to plan a trip with some good friends to Kansas City to enjoy Worlds Of Fun, a show, and maybe some other crazy things in Missouri (maybe find a zoo). You know what they say about Missou though, "10 million people...200,000 last names. 'Nuff Said". I can only guess about what they do there. I think people are telling me they want to go along for the road trip, but they won't actually end up going. Butt holes.
You know, it's just one of those summers where everything should feel right. I want to go on this trip just to feel alive, and share that thrill of life with some of the best people I've ever met. Just good clean old fun like we used to have. No boundaries and no worries. Summer has its ways to prove that magic cannot be bound by any laws.
I'll keep you updated on how that goes. If you want to join the trip shoot me a comment and I'll see if you're allowed to come. It's a pretty selective list. Duh.
Here's the WEEKS LEAK. Taking Back Sunday is back with their fourth studio effort. Taking Back Sunday's second effort "Where You Want To Be" will be forever immortalized to me. It opened up doors into my life in 2004 and basically was the sole reason I got into the indie rock scene (gay). I can listen to that cd 203823 times and feel nostalgic and never get sick of it. I had high hopes for their newest effort "NEW AGAIN". Although it's better than their previous cd: "Louder Now", it still doesnt compare to the emo build up catchy Taking Back Sunday we all know and love. New Again leaked a week ago and the official store release date is June 2nd. Here's the link to the download: http://www.twistysdownload.com/2009/05/27/taking-back-sunday-new-again-2009.html

Oh, and here's the link to the new Young Jeezy Mixtape (Trappin Aint Dead, it's jeezy but dont tell me you dont like feeling hood sometimes.): http://www.mediafire.com/?yzu2nmenn2i

of all the pictures of jeezy you choos one of him in video game form?
it was either that one or the one where he's holding belvedere.
i choose the PG route.
for the record, i remember someone saying they would go to raplhie ma with me and didnt actually end up going.. who's the butt hole? haha
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