A few of my friends were here from Iowa State... here's to them and a good time! I'm way glad I've had the chance to meet you within the last year and you've ended up NOT being dbags but being real awesome genuine friends. Lets share a snack pack together sometime. You guyz RulEz! omgz.

Ryan Bentzinger is also awesome for throwing a sick chilled party. Very cool man, but what's even cooler is that you work at a movie theater giving us non highschoolers the high school discount. That makes me poop my pants it's so cool. If you're really a good friend to me and you're a faithful reader of my awesomness and you admit that I show you things on here first and you hear it from me first... you'll send Ryan a message and tell him he's the sweetest dude ever.
The United States may have lost today in one of the biggest games in international futbol history to Brazil (2-3) but this proves that hope is still alive in America and that our team way better looking than most international team players. Especially Brazil... I mean come on... our team has some hott dudes on there. No homo.

Finally... here's the neat pick of the week... LEGO STARWARS PHOTOSHOOT PICTURES. These are pretty cool. It'd be cooler if there was a raptor in the background kicking an ISU sign at naked girls...but these will do. Photo cred to Mike Stimpson

This movie was the surprise hit of Sundance this year. It's another one of those indie romcomedies....but it's supposed to rule our faces. A review said this "this film conveys emotion...but it more importantly makes us FEEL that emotion".
I'm trusting the critic. 500 days of summer
dude, you're so not that chill..
oh, and who is this womanizer that looks at you funny all the time huh? I've been going out with this girl for over a year now and she still looks at me weird and funny. i know... weird.
im quite jealous i missed the party..
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